Salt Lake City (801) 438-6690 | Las Vegas (702) 723-2120

Archive for August, 2020

Law firm runs better with server on Azure

Why run Windows Server on Azure? Ellen Kirby, senior manager of Technical Operations and senior enterprise architect at Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP, talks about the benefits of running the law firm's Windows Servers on Azure and about leveraging Windows ...

Protect against cybersecurity threats with Microsoft 365

We get it. You're busy. You need to focus on your business and don't have time to be hindered by cybersecurity threats. Lucky for you, Microsoft 365 Business provides robust security solutions with comprehensive external threat protection and internal data ...

Simplify your compliance journey with Microsoft 365

We live in a time where digital technology is profoundly impacting our lives, from the way we connect with each other to how we interpret our world. To thrive in this privacy-focused era, you need a trusted partner who can ...

SQL Server 2017

SQL Server 2017 is now available on Linux and Docker! This infographic provides an overview of the SQL Server 2017 features that drive industry-leading performance and security. Check it out for an at-a-glance look at the benefits to your business. ...

Windows 10 Update Gives Graphics Cards Users More Control

Does your PC have more than one graphics card in it? If so, and you're a Windows 10 user, there's good news. Microsoft recently announced some coming changes to Windows 10 that ...

Popular Adobe Programs Currently Have Many Security Issues

If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader or Lightroom installed on your computer, then you'll definitely want to grab and install the latest security patch from the company, which addresses a whopping twenty-six ...

Before Twitter Patch, Private Messages May Have Been Vulnerable

If you're a Twitter user, you should know that the company recently announced that they had addressed a serious security flaw that could have allowed hackers to gain direct access to Direct ...

Google Play Music Changing To YouTube Music By December 2020

Google has been planning to consolidate its holdings for a long while now, and part of that process includes doing away with Google Play Music and rolling it into YouTube Music. The ...

Enhanced Tracking Protection Rolling Out To Firefox Users

Cookies have been part of the internet experience since the early days of the web's history. Advertisers commonly use them to track users. Many users don't appreciate being tracked, and have made ...

Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches

Manning publishes high-quality books and videos for technology professionals like you. Use this special discount code to save 40% on all eBooks, pBooks, MEAPs, and liveVideo courses at including Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches. Just enter azuremsft ...


Salt Lake City (HQ)

9980 South 300 West, Suite 200
Salt Lake City, UT 84070
(801) 438-6690

Las Vegas

500 North Rainbow Blvd, Suite 200
Las Vegas, NV 89107
(702) 723-2120


Since 1998, Redrock Technology Group has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses in the Salt Lake City, Provo, and Ogden areas. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations. We equip our clients with customized technology solutions for greater operational value and to reduce risk.